My latest creations...Ok i know I'm just a novice but I'd like to post these up somewhere so that later on when I get better at sewing i can see how far I have know what I mean? Hopefully some of you will enjoy this journey with me. =D Thank you so much!
Here is a purse and a peasant shirt I just recently sewed up...and also I am including the links where I found the patterns...
This purse I took the pattern from is on this site:
Of course it's not exactly the same b/c I did it my own way...but i didn't know how to sew a bag at all. So I just took the basic idea and ran with it...=D

Here is the link for the peasant style blouse....Awesome tutorial by the way thank you to Tess from 
Stop by her site for this downloadable .pdf file of the tutorial... 

I am actually very excited because each of these cost way under $2 to make! If I knew clothes and purses could be so cheap, I would have bought this sewing maching A LONG TIME AGO.

I'm so happy w/ it. I now have to find my signature piece that I can sell. I love art and that's what i want to do!

4 Responses
  1. Lyneen Says:

    Love the bag... you have got sewing down!

  2. hello! i love your blog skin! thanks for joining my OWOH, good luck!

  3. Patricia Says:

    This is really a beautiful and useful blog. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for the one-world, one-heart giveaway. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Thank you for your kind visit to my blog. Take care. Lisa :)

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